Thursday 7 July 2011

Rainy Day in London

Despite the rain we all managed to have busy day.  Carolyn, Bennett, Michaela and I headed to the Victoria Alberta Museum and Thomas and Darryl toured around on the tube and hit Wimbeldon and the tower of London.

Because of all the rain the boys needed to take shelter and they happened to stumble upon a pub that specialized in fish and chips and English Ale--imagine that :)

After nap time we had some fun with Bennett and then Michaela and Auntie Carolyn went to the park to enjoy some late afternoon sun.

Michaela and Bennett catching a little T.V. before supper!
They are calling for more rain tomorrow so I might have to stay close to home so I can re-organize the suitcases and get ready for GREECE!!!!


  1. Rain Rain GO Away!!!!!!! However it doesn't seemed to have dampened the
    fun. Sounds like everyone enjoyed their day.

    Thomas did this pub you stumbled upon happen to serve kid size pints of English ALe???

    How did you like the London Tower?

  2. Oh my look at all those smiles!!!! Even you Darryl!!! Like Linda said, the rain didn't seem to stop any of you and check out Thomas in the rain - very cool. I love the photos of Bennett posing and Nanny Michaela sure is doing a good job! I have some big shoes to fill in!!!

  3. Who is going to let a little rain ruin the day -you are in London after all. Thomas looks like a little Britt school boy - so cute. Linda, think we lost our job as nannies to younger and cuter Michaela!
